Article 12319

Title of the article



Ponukalin Il'ya Alekseevich, Postgraduate student, Saratov State University (83 Astrakhanskaya street, Saratov, Russia), E-mail:  

Index UDK

316 334.2 




Background. Recently, Russian scientists and practitioners are interested in consumer behavior. This is due to the spread of new information technologies. Russia is moving towards a digital economy. The purpose of the work is to analyze the features of the formation of digital society in Russia. To investigate consumer practices in the context of digitalization.
Materials and methods. The paper uses the methods of traditional document analysis. The analysis of scientific literature on the topic. The author conducted the survey in October–December 2018 and analyzed the mechanisms and the impact of digital technologies on consumer behavior. Problems and contradictions are revealed. The main method of research is on-line survey. Focus groups consisted of students from Saratov.
Results. The article articulates that digital technologies are unique tools of social influence on consumer behavior. Their use allows retailers to gain advantages in the competition: digital media help analyze the demands, construct customer profiles, and influence consumer behavior.
Conclusions. Being a technical object and at the same time having a social embodiment, digital technologies modify traditional forms of consumer behavior, construct practices of a new type. When choosing goods in trading services, a modern person often seeks help from mobile devices and gadgets that provide the ability to quickly navigate through endless Internet space. 

Key words

digitalization, consumer practices, Internet, new media, online trading, consumer behavior 

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Дата создания: 12.12.2019 09:32
Дата обновления: 13.12.2019 10:17